Journaling Meetup
$10 per person
Supplies provided by Arrow
Spend some quality time with your journal and get to know other journaling enthusiasts during this casual meetup. All journaling styles are welcome. We'll discuss our favorite supplies, get inspired by each other's techniques, and make some new friends.
Bring your journal, yourself, and any gently used stationery items you want to give away to other stationery lovers in our communal destash basket.
All proceeds support the Arrow Art Annex! Arrow will also provide a “buffet” table of journal supplies.
Space is limited! Reserve your spot by registering at the Arrow Creative Reuse website, under Upcoming Workshops and Events.
Leather Travelers Journal Workshop
$50 per person
All materials provided
10 participants maximum
Learn simple leather working skills to create an elegant, modular journal system. These journals are refillable, and equally flexible for planning, memory keeping, art journaling, or carrying your inmost thoughts. The leather ages so beautifully over time—you won’t want to put your journal down!
Advance registration is required. Sign up on the Arrow Creative Reuse website, under Upcoming Workshops and Events.
Check back here for workshops, socials, and other events where I’ll be sharing the journal joy!